How To Attract More Listeners To Your Podcast


The advancements in modern technology paved the way for people to access any information, product, or service they need through the internet. Along with this came different entertainment channels, much to the enjoyment of everyone.

Over a recent couple of years, more and more people have ventured out into podcasts as it merges both functions: one, providing easy access to information, and two, rendering people with their much-needed entertainment fix.

All About Podcasting

Podcasts are digital recordings done over the internet which are made available for people to download. The topics in the recordings vary and podcasters can talk about anything under the sun. Like with any other ventures, if you want to delve into making your podcast, you need to set up the tools necessary for broadcast such as a podcast hosting platform. The podcast experts behind the Wired Clip in, provide a good comparison between Libsyn and Blubrry, two of the most reliable podcast hosting. Aside from this, you also need basic equipment for recording, such as a good microphone, as well as an editing software to polish your recordings. If you already have this, all that’s left to do is to record your episodes.

You can either record your podcasts and dedicate them only to the consumption of your family and friends, or you can also build a large number of followers. In terms of the latter, below are some great tips on how you will be able to attract more listeners to your podcast.


Build Your Network


The first thing that you can do to get more people to listen to your episodes is by building your network. Try reaching out to other podcasters and initiate a collaboration with them such that their fan base will also get to know about your podcast recordings and episodes. Also, there are many places to submit and promote your podcast so you can reach more listeners to your podcast show. Also, consider turning your existing contacts into your listeners. For instance, if you already have an email list, then send them a message letting them know that your podcast episodes are now available. In the same manner, if you have a blog followed by loyal readers, then it is time to let them know through your blogs that your podcast recordings also exist.

Read: Why Blogs are necessary


Interact on the Internet


Another way to effectively grow your fan base is by being active in online podcast communities or interacting in the internet space. Build real connections by communicating with the people in these groups, but follow the group’s guidelines. Actively participating in these online podcast communities is one of the most effective, but organic ways to promote your show.


Have a Strong Social Media Presence


In this modern-day and age, almost all individuals already have a social media account and one of the best ways to increase your audience is by having a strong social media presence. Make sure to post about your latest episodes such that your social media connections will not only be able to listen to them but share them with their friends as well. Vamp up your post by recording a sneak peek of your episode with your guest to pique the interest of listeners. Make use of hashtags because each of the hashtags that you use can introduce your podcast into another stream.


Another valuable thing to remember is to maximize the use of various social media platforms rather than sticking only with a few. Keep in mind that different people use different social media platforms and being present in all these platforms will allow you to connect with more potential listeners.


Leverage SEO


SEO or search engine optimization is a strategy that lists a website, blog, video, or podcast into the top results when users search for information in a certain niche. Your podcast episodes are more likely to be listened to by a greater number of audiences if it appears on the first page of search engine results when your potential listeners look for information about the topics you discuss on your show. For this reason, make sure to optimize your podcast by including target keywords in your podcast name and description, along with the name and description of each of your episodes.




To promote your podcast content and eventually gather more listeners to subscribe to your shows, traditional advertising won’t hurt. There is the option for you to leverage on the paid ads on search engines and social media platforms to be effortlessly discovered. 

You can also venture out into podcast directories listed in podcast apps installed on mobile phones. Make sure that your podcast is listed into as many of these directories as possible since more and more people are turning to their mobile devices for a variety of things. Another means of advertising your content is by partnering with influencers who already have several loyal followers. Through them, you will be able to reach out to more potential listeners.


Improve Your Podcast Quality


Finally, make sure to continuously improve on the quality of your episodes in terms of your content, your skills in recording and editing, as well as the equipment that you use. You will have a good idea of the areas you can improve on by actively engaging your current audience and asking for their feedback. Try to incorporate what they have to say in your episodes, whether having more guests on the show or cutting down on the span of your episodes. The more satisfied your current listeners are, the more likely that they will spread the word about your show. Thus, there is a great chance for you to reach more potential listeners.

Get more listeners to follow your podcast episodes by continuously building your network, both offline and online. In doing so, you can join groups and communities and have a strong social media presence. You can also leverage technological innovations and implement SEO techniques. Otherwise, there is still the option for you of advertising, but the most important thing is to continually improve your podcast to be able to offer high-quality content to your listeners.

  1. […] off and will also create another channel to help you gain more followers on Youtube. Read more on how to attract more listeners to your podcast […]

  2. […] that include Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and more recently, the rise of Podcasts. It is also the place, where you can build a brand, promote loyalty and undertake active sales. All […]

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