How to Uninstall Aimersoft Helper Compact?
A simple and quick method to Uninstall Aimersoft helper compact.exe from your system is from the Control Panel, locating the program and then right clicking the ‘Uninstall Program’.
Compact.exe, a system that is installed when Aimersoft Video Solution, might not be dangerous for your system. Before proceeding with uninstalling the file, check to see if the Aimersoft Helper Compact is harmful or not. Though there are some cases where Aimersoft Helper Compact.exe was found harmful, it’s not the same for everyone. Once we are done with these topics, some of you might not need to uninstall the Aimersoft Helper Compact.exe from your system.
In this guide, we will go through:
- How to Remove Aimersoft Helper Compact?
- What is Aimersoft Helper Compact?
- How to determine if Uninstall Aimersoft helper compact.exe is harmful or not?
Table of Contents
How to Remove Aimersoft Helper Compact?
Before uninstalling the software, it is suggested to download the latest version of the software form it’s the official website and update your current software. Besides that, it is recommended to use a firewall and an antivirus on your system. These two will minimise the chances of infiltration of a third party.
Use the updated software for a week or so and then again check-in it’s a directory and if you find something suspicious, quickly remove the software from your system.
Step 1: Go to Control Panel
Step 2: Click on Uninstall a Program & Feature
Step 3: Locate Aimersoft Software and right-click on it.
Step 4: A menu will appear, select uninstall the program.
Let the system remove the software, and once it is done, restart your machine and resume your work. The whole process will be completed in a couple of minutes.
What is Aimersoft Helper Compact.exe?
Aimersoft Software Studio develops a program called AimerSoft which is quite useful to the people who deal with DVDs, Audio and Videos. When this Aimersoft software is installed on a system, a total of 42 other sub executable programs are also installed automatically. These sub executable programs help the parent software to work correctly.
Usually, these subprograms don’t have a visible window and these run in the background. In some cases, such programs can be dangerous. We will talk about “how dangerous the Aimersoft Helper Compact can be?” in the next section.
How to determine if Aimersoft Helper Compact is harmful or not?
Before we proceed, let me tell you that Aimersoft Studios is a very reputed company and they didn’t create this software to access their client’s machine. Still, if someone else manipulates the software files, then he/she can quickly get access to the user data.
Though there are hundreds of such applications through which hackers can extract the data from a computer then Why Aimersoft Helper Compact. The reason behind this is that Aimersoft Helper Compact has access to a lot of user activities, and based on some incidents, it was found that Aimersoft Helper Compact is more prone to manipulations and vulnerabilities.
If you are an existing user of Aimersoft software, don’t worry. Follow all the steps mentioned in this section, and by the end, you’ll have the results with you, i.e. “How harmful the Aimersoft Helper Compact is for your System”.
Before diving into the process, you need to understand about the privileges Aimersoft Helper Compact have in your system. Some of them are mentioned below:
- Aimersoft Helper Compact can record your Key presses.
- Mouse clicks are recorded by it.
- Monitor your Internet Connection.
- Records Monitor Activities.
With all these privileges, if the software wants, it can manipulate all the internal system/admin files. That’s why users are so concerned about Aimersoft Helper Compact. But as mentioned above, it is not necessary that this software is harmful to your system.
Step to determine if Aimersoft Helper Compact is Harmful:
Location and size of this executable program play a vital role in this process. Here is the standard location and size of Aimersoft Helper Compact:
Location: C:\Program Files\Aimersoft\Video Converter Ultimate\ subfolder
Size: 102.9 MB in most cases.
Step 1: Go to My Computer
Step 2: Click on drive “C:\” or System Drive.
Step 3: Navigate to “C:\Program Files”
Step 4: Locate the Aimersoft folder and Click on it.
Step 5: Navigate to C:\Program Files\Aimersoft\Video Converter Ultimate.
In this directory you’ll find a subfolder with a name “Aimersoft Helper Compact”, Navigate in the directory and look for “AShelper.exe” or “Aimersoft Helper Compact.exe”.
Step 6: Check the Size of the .exe file and compare it with the standard size.If you find a significant difference in the file size, then the chances are that some virus has been injected in the program and it might be extracting your data and sending it to someone.
In this case, you must uninstall the Aimersoft Helper Compact program. If everything seems normal, then you are safe and can keep the file on your computer. Complete the same process in both the “C:\Program” Files directory, sometimes Aimersoft Helper Compact gets located in the” C:\ Common Files”.
Final Words
Congratulations, you just removed a Trojan from your system, and now your system is much more secure. But there could be some other hidden software that is secretly extracting your data or creating their replica to affect the working of your machine.
It is always suggested to have a Firewall active on your system. Apart from this, install a trusted Antivirus, it might seem an additional expense to you right now, but in the long run, Anti-Virus will keep your system secure from threats.
You must update your operating system regularly so that it can have the latest security patch. Periodically update your important Application software. Every update will make your system more secure and safe from the latest viruses and malware. Besides this, do not download files and data from random websites, always prefer trusted and official websites to download some applications or files.
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