How To Fix Error In Plot.New () Figure Margins Too Large


Fix Error in : figure margins too large, Scatter plot

Are you looking to find out how to Resolve Error in ?? Are you getting figure margins too large error??

Since it is called RStudio, I assume you are using RStudio, which can be a problem.

I think this can happen if the grid in RStudio is too small for the edges of the frame you want to create. .

Try doing this by expanding it, and then repeat the code.

Plot issue while changing axes scales on matplotlib scatter plot

It seems that in this particular case it is impossible to increase the axis after the frame. You can change them in advance, so:



plt.scatter(x, y , marker =’x’)


In this case (identical labels), you can also use plt.plot instead of plt.scatter. Resizing Design Projects:

plt.plot(x, y, ‘x’)



I do not think it’s possible to change the size of the scatter chart: the scatter chart returns a PathCollection collection.

Which probably leads to the fact that the resizing function appears only on the last item in that collection, the last point.
Obviously, this will only escalate in the 1e5 – 1e6 range. The plot () returns Line2D, which takes into account the entire frame.

Error In Plot.New (): Figure Margins Too Large

Try this :

par(mfcol=c(12,12), oma=c(1,1,0,0), mar=c(1,1,1,0),

tcl=-0.1, mgp=c(0,0,0))


     for(i in seq_along(loop.vec))


       plot( subsignals[[i]],type=”l”)


plot a matrix as scatter plot and connecting largest point in each column

Here’s an approach with reshape2 and ggplot2:

# The matrix (m):

  c1 c2 c3 c4 c5

r1  8 6  5 2 15

r2 12  9 10 13 14

r3  1 7  4 11 3


# transform data


dat <- melt(m, varnames = c(“y”, “x”))

dat <- transform(dat, max = ave(value, x, FUN = function(x)

       replace(integer(length(x)),  which.max(x), 1L)))

# create plot


ggplot(dat, aes(x = x, y = y)) +

 geom_point(aes(size = value)) +

 geom_line(data = subset(dat, as.logical(max)), aes(group = 1))

“Error in : figure margins too large” in R, is it because too many plots in one figure?

If you need a lot of graphics on a device, you must have enough width, height and margins for each design:

pdf(file=’plot.pdf’, width=10, height=10)

par(mfrow=c(10,10), mar=c(1,1,1,1))

for(i in 1:100){plot(rnorm(i))}

Default for mar=c(5,4,4,2)+0.1. Really, ?par is your friend.


The trouble with margins & plot sizes in multiple figure plot in pdf

My general recommendations are: (1) Save the unit, inches or lines, and (2) make the calculations to determine the size of the device based on the timetable.

They mix sea and pen with lines and inches. Of course, I do not know what height is 1 inch plus a dividing line (although I’m sure we could break something to learn).

So imagine R, that you have to draw two graphs on top of each other, each one 3 inches tall (pin = c (3.3)). I think you have forgotten that the standard PDF format is only 7 inches high.

So, if we set the shape edges in inches, we’ll adjust the size of the device to get the right height:

pdf(file=”My pdf.pdf”, paper=”letter”,width = 7,height =


 par(mfrow=c(2,1), mai=c(1,0.5,0.5,0.25), pin=c(3,3))

 hist(x, freq=FALSE)



That should work.

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